Deploying Multiwoven on Google Cloud Platform using Docker Compose

This guide walks you through setting up Multiwoven, on a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Compute Engine instance using Docker Compose. We’ll cover launching the instance, installing Docker, running Multiwoven with its dependencies, and accessing the Multiwoven UI.


  • A Google Cloud Platform account with an active project and billing enabled.
  • Basic knowledge of GCP, Docker, and command-line tools.
  • Docker Compose installed on your local machine.

Note: This guide uses environment variables for sensitive information. Replace the placeholders with your own values before proceeding.

1. Create a GCP Compute Engine Instance:

  1. Open the GCP Console:
  2. Navigate to Compute Engine: Go to the “Compute Engine” section and click on “VM Instances.”
  3. Create a new instance: Choose an appropriate machine type based on your workload requirements. Ubuntu is a popular choice.
  4. Configure your instance:
    • Select a suitable boot disk size and operating system image (Ubuntu recommended).
    • Enable SSH access with a strong password or SSH key.
    • Configure firewall rules to allow inbound traffic on port 22 (SSH) and potentially port 8000 (Multiwoven UI, optional).
  5. Create the instance: Review your configuration and click “Create” to launch the instance.

2. Connect to your Instance:

  1. Get the external IP address: Once the instance is running, find its external IP address in the GCP Console.
  2. Connect via SSH: Use your preferred SSH client to connect to the instance:
ssh -i your_key_pair.pem user@<external_ip_address>

3. Install Docker and Docker Compose:

  1. Update and upgrade: Run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y to ensure your system is up-to-date.
  2. Install Docker: Follow the official Docker installation instructions for Ubuntu:
  3. Install Docker Compose: Download the latest version from the Docker Compose releases page and place it in a suitable directory (e.g., /usr/local/bin/docker-compose). Make the file executable: sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose.
  4. Start and enable Docker: Run sudo systemctl start docker and sudo systemctl enable docker to start Docker and configure it to start automatically on boot.

4. Download Multiwoven docker-compose.yml file and Configure Environment:

  1. Download the file: 
curl -LO
  1. Download the .env file:  
curl -LO
  1. Create and Configure .env File: Rename multiwoven/.env.example to .env. This file holds environment variables for various services. Replace the placeholders with your own values, including:   * DB_PASSWORD and DB_USERNAME for your PostgreSQL database   * REDIS_PASSWORD for your Redis server   * (Optional) Additional environment variables specific to your Multiwoven configuration

Example .env file:

# Modify your Multiwoven-specific environment variables here

5. Run Multiwoven with Docker Compose:

Start Multiwoven: Navigate to the multiwoven directory and run.

docker-compose up -d

6. Accessing Multiwoven UI:

Open your web browser and navigate to http://<external_ip_address>:8000 (replace <external_ip_address> with your instance’s IP address). You should now see the Multiwoven UI.

7. Stopping Multiwoven:

To stop Multiwoven, navigate to the multiwoven directory and run.

docker-compose down

8. Upgrading Multiwoven: When a new version of Multiwoven is released, you can upgrade the Multiwoven using the following command.

docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d
Make sure to run the above command from the same directory where the docker-compose.yml file is present.

Additional Notes:

Note: the frontend and backend services run on port 8000 and 3000, respectively. Make sure you update the VITE_API_HOST environment variable in the .env file to the desired backend service URL running on port 3000.
  • Depending on your firewall configuration, you might need to open port 8000 for inbound traffic.
  • For production deployments, consider using a managed load balancer and a Cloud SQL database instance for better performance and scalability.