
At Multiwoven, we firmly believe that diversity and inclusion are the bedrock of a vibrant and effective community. We are committed to creating an environment that embraces a wide array of backgrounds and perspectives, and we want to clearly communicate our position on this.

Our Commitment

We aim to foster a community that is safe, supportive, and friendly for all members, regardless of their experience, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, or any other defining characteristics.


These guidelines apply to all forms of behavior and communication within our community spaces, both online and offline, including one-on-one interactions. This extends to any behavior that could impact the safety and well-being of community members, regardless of where it occurs.

Expected Behaviors

  • Be Welcoming: Create an environment that is inviting and open to all.
  • Be Kind: Treat others with respect, understanding, and compassion.
  • Support Each Other: Actively look out for the well-being of fellow community members.

Multiwoven Slack Etiquette Guidelines

To maintain a respectful, organized, and efficient communication environment within the Multiwoven community, we ask all members to adhere to the following etiquette guidelines on Slack:

Etiquette Rules

  1. Be Respectful to Everyone: Treat all community members with kindness and respect. A positive attitude fosters a collaborative and friendly environment.
  2. Mark Resolved Questions: If your query is resolved, please indicate it by adding a ✅ reaction or a reply. This helps in identifying resolved issues and assists others with similar questions.
  3. Avoid Reposting Questions: If your question remains unanswered after 24 hours, review it for clarity and revise if necessary. If you still require assistance, you may tag @navaneeth for further attention.
  4. Public Posts Over Direct Messages: Please ask questions in public channels rather than through direct messages, unless you have explicit permission. Sharing questions and answers publicly benefits the entire community.
  5. Minimize Use of Tags: Our community is active and responsive. Please refrain from over-tagging members. Reserve tagging for urgent matters to respect everyone’s time and attention.
  6. Use Threads for Detailed Discussions: To keep the main channel tidy, please use threads for ongoing discussions. This helps in keeping conversations organized and the main channel uncluttered.


Following these etiquette guidelines will help ensure that our Slack workspace remains a supportive, efficient, and welcoming space for all members of the Multiwoven community. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!