Deploying Multiwoven on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

This guide will walk you through setting up Multiwoven on AKS. We’ll cover configuring and deploying an AKS cluster after which, you can refer to the Helm Charts section of our guide to install Multiwoven into it.


  • An active Azure subscription
  • Basic knowledge of Kuberenetes and Helm

Note: AKS clusters are not free. Please refer to for current pricing information.

1. AKS Cluster Deployment:

  1. Select a Resource Group for your deployment:
    • Navigate to your Azure subscription and select a Resource Group or, if necessary, start by creating a new Resource Group.
  2. Initiate AKS Deployment
    • Select the Create + button at the top of the overview section of your Resource Group which will take you to the Azure Marketplace.
    • In the Azure Marketplace, type aks into the search field at the top. Select Azure Kuberenetes Service (AKS) and create.
  3. Configure your AKS Cluster
    • Basics
      • For Cluster Preset Configuration, we recommend Dev/Test for Development deployments.
      • For Resource Group, select your Resource Group.
      • For AKS Pricing Tier, we recommend Standard.
      • For Kubernetes version, we recommend sticking with the current default.
      • For Authentication and Authorization, we recommend Local accounts with Kubernetes RBAC for simplicity.
    • Node Pools
      • Leave defaults
    • Networking
      • For Network Configuration, we recommend the Azure CNI network configuration for simplicity.
      • For Network Policy, we recommend Azure.
    • Integrations
      • Leave defaults
    • Monitoring
      • Leave defaults, however, to reduce costs, you can uncheck Managed Prometheus which will automatically uncheck Managed Grafana.
    • Advanced
      • Leave defaults
    • Tags
      • Add tags if necessary, otherwise, leave defaults.
    • Review + Create
      • If there are validation errors that arise during the review, like a missed mandatory field, address the errors and create. If there are no validation errors, proceed to create.
      • Wait for your deployment to complete before proceeding.
  4. Connecting to your AKS Cluster
    • In the Overview section of your AKS cluster, there is a Connect button at the top. Choose whichever method suits you best and follow the on-screen instructions. Make sure to run at least one of the test commands to verify that your kubectl commands are being run against your new AKS cluster.
  5. Deploying Multiwoven