Setting Up a Source Connector in AI Squared

To integrate PostgreSQL with AI Squared, you need to establish a source connector. This connector will enable AI Squared to extract data from your PostgreSQL database efficiently. Below are the steps to set up the source connector in AI Squared:

Step 1: Access AI Squared

  • Log in to your AI Squared account.
  • Navigate to the Sources section where you can manage your data sources.

Step 2: Create a New Source Connector

  • Click on the Add Source button.
  • Select PostgreSQL from the list of available source types.

Step 3: Configure Connection Settings

You’ll need to provide the following details to establish a connection between AI Squared and your PostgreSQL database:

Host The hostname or IP address of the server where your PostgreSQL database is hosted.

Port The port number on which your PostgreSQL server is listening (default is 5432).

Database The name of the database you want to connect to.

Schema The schema within your PostgreSQL database you wish to access.

Username The username used to access the database.

Password The password associated with the username.

Enter these details in the respective fields on the connector configuration page and press continue.

Step 4: Test the Connection

  • Once you’ve entered the necessary information. The next step is automated Test Connection feature to ensure that AI Squared can successfully connect to your PostgreSQL database.
  • If the test is successful, you’ll receive a confirmation message. If not, double-check your entered details for any errors.

Step 5: Finalize the Source Connector Setup

  • Save the connector settings to establish the source connection.


By following these steps, you’ve successfully set up a PostgreSQL source connector in AI Squared.