Connect AI Squared to Facebook Custom Audiences

This guide will walk you through configuring the Facebook Custom Audiences Connector in AI Squared to manage your custom audiences effectively.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  1. Get your System User Token from Facebook Business Manager account:

    • Log in to your Facebook Business Manager account.
    • Go to Business Settings > Users > System Users.
    • Click “Add” to create a new system user if needed.
    • After creating the system user, access its details.
    • Generate a system user token by clicking “Generate New Token.”
    • Copy the token for later use in the authentication process.
  2. Access to a Facebook Business Manager account:

    • If you don’t have an account, create one at by following the sign-up instructions.
  3. Custom Audiences:

    • Log in to your Facebook Business Manager account.
    • Navigate to the Audiences section under Business Tools.
    • Create new custom audiences or access existing ones.



Authentication is supported via two methods: System user token and Log in with Facebook account.

  1. System User Token:

    • access_token: Obtain a system user token from your Facebook Business Manager account in step 1 of the prerequisites.
    • ad_account_id: Paste the system user token into the provided authentication field in AI Squared.
    • audience_id: Obtain the audience ID from step 3 of the prerequisites.
  2. Log in with Facebook Account

    Coming soon

Supported Sync Modes

ModeSupported (Yes/No/Coming soon)
Incremental syncYES
Full refreshComing soon

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