ReverseML Workflow

Reverse-ETL Information from data stores

The Deployed Model class is great for using models to make predictions in real time, but what if instead you want to connect people with e.g. batch model outputs that have been pre-computed? For that matter, what about accessing any other static data from a database and making that accessible?

For use cases where you need to pull information from data stores, we created the ReverseML workflow class of analytic. This class enables you to point to a data store like S3, Databricks, or Redshift and configure the class to pull relevant informatiod. For more information about this complex class, please see our whitepaper:

AI Squared ReverseML Pipelines


For an example of how the ReverseML workflow can be used in practice, and in conjunction with the rest of an inference pipeline, see this use case example:

Fully Custom Tableau Integration

Last updated