
Integrating customer data with subscription metrics from Stripe provides valuable insights into the actions that most frequently convert free accounts into paying ones. It also helps identify accounts that may be at risk of churning due to low activity levels. By recognizing these trends, you can proactively engage at-risk customers to prevent churn and enhance customer retention.

Stripe Connector Configuration and Credential Retrieval Guide

Prerequisite Requirements

To authenticate the Stripe connector using AI Squared, you’ll need a Stripe API key. While you can use an existing key, it’s better to create a new restricted key specifically for AI Squared. Make sure to grant it write privileges only. Additionally, it’s advisable to enable write privileges for all possible permissions and tailor the specific data you wish to synchronize within AI Squared.

Set up Stripe


Sign In

Sign into your Stripe account.



Click ‘Developers’ on the top navigation bar.


API keys

At the top-left, click ‘API keys’.


Restricted key

Select ’+ Create restricted key’.


Naming and permission

Name your key, and ensure ‘Write’ is selected for all permissions.


Create key

Click ‘Create key’. You may need to verify by entering a code sent to your email.

ModeSupported (Yes/No/Coming soon)
Incremental syncYes
Full refreshComing soon
StreamSupported (Yes/No/Coming soon)