
The Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connector is a method of transerring data over the internet to specific url endpoints. Integrating the HTTP Destination connector with AI Squared allows you to efficiently transfer your data to HTTP endpoints of your choosing. This guide outlines how to setup your HTTP destination connector in AI Squared.

Destination Setup


Access AI Squared

Log in to your AI Squared account and navigate to the Destinations section to manage your data destinations.


Create a New Destination Connector

Click on the Add Destination button. Select HTTP from the list of available destination types.


Configure Connection Settings

Provide the following details to establish a connection between AI Squared and your HTTP endpoint:

  • Destination Url: The HTTP address of where you are sending your data.
  • Headers: A list of key value pairs of your choosing. This can include any headers that are required to send along with your HTTP request.

Enter these details in the respective fields on the connector configuration page and press Finish.


Test the Connection

After entering the necessary information, use the automated Test Connection feature to ensure AI Squared can successfully connect to your HTTP endpoint. If the test is successful, you’ll receive a confirmation message. If not, double-check your entered details for any errors.


Finalize the Destination Connector Setup

After a successful connection test, save the connector settings to establish the destination connection.

By following these steps, you’ve successfully set up an HTTP destination connector in AI Squared. You can now efficiently transfer data to your HTTP endpoint for storage or further distribution within AI Squared.

ModeSupported (Yes/No/Coming soon)
Incremental syncYes
Full refreshNo

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